202 Iolani Ave, Honolulu HI 96813
Call: 808-670-0415
Nine Tails Suite
This room is very special. We can connect 3 room together!! It doesn't matter how many cat you have. We can take care your big family kitty!!!
Only Pawsitive rooms are available with connecting space.
---- Room Size ----
W12 x D4 x H7 Feet
Room Size 336 Cu Sq Feet Total.

- Room Amenity -
* Scratching Pole with marbles
* Ceramic Water Bowl.
​* Ceramic food bowl with owners food
​* Water change (Menehune bottled)
twice a day or more.
* Natural Pine Cat Litter
* Comfortable Blanket
(If you are using a cat bed or blanket, please bring your own! Your kitty can smell yours. That makes your kitty more comfortable!)
​$195/ Night.
No Additional fee for extra cat.
​$165 / Night.
No Additional fee for extra cat.